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Ayala Zilberman Trainer

Specializes In:
Presentation Skills

What drives me?
Increasing people’s confidence by magnifying their passion, freeing their authenticity and improving their communication skills. I love seeing the twinkle in people’s eyes in the moment “it clicks”, when they truly see that change IS possible. This involves identifying their natural strengths and channeling them to impact their performance. This leads to creativity, satisfaction and results.
Experience Summary
After 10 Years of performing in theatres and on TV, Ayala decided to help people improve their ability to communicate their ideas in a clear and concise way while developing their confidence and charisma.

Over the past 6 years, Ayala has worked with executives, entrepreneurs, engineers, politicians, NGOs and actors, bringing out the best in them in various interactions, including speaking to small and large groups, and in front of the camera. Ayala has  BA in Theatre Directing and graduated from the exclusive Performing Arts Studio founded by Yoram Loewenstein.

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